As the year comes to a close, we traditionally reflect on what we achieved, gathering everything accomplished throughout the outgoing year.
Stimul AI
In 2024, we introduced the Stimul AI assistant to Stimulsoft BI Designer. It helps with checking, generating, and explaining connection strings to data sources, optimizing them, verifying and converting event scripts, verifying the correctness of user function execution, report globalization and much more.User functions
Our tools now support the creation of User functions in the data dictionary. This feature simplifies the use of complex expressions, reduces development time, and minimizes errors.User functions accelerate report and dashboard creation, improve calculation accuracy, and make documents easier to modify.
Export settings
Another important enhancement is the ability to configure export parameters directly within the report template. Export settings can be defined in the editor by selecting an export type and adjusting its parameters in the properties panel. All configured export settings are then saved within the template file.Numerous new features
Enhanced tools for creating dashboards
A new Web Content element, the ability to select native localization for map segments of certain countries, conditional formatting for TopN, maps of African countries, improved design for Table and Pivot Table elements, a new style, and much more.
More effective work with data
A new JSON parser, data adapters for ClickHouse and Microsoft Analysis Services, data source synchronization when opening a report, and much more.
Chart enhancements
Customizable title settings, design options for graphic elements such as Data Bars, a new Heatmap data visualization, titles for various chart views, and much more.
Improvements in 3D maps and charts
Support for Titles on the X and Y axes in 3D diagrams, three-dimensional maps in the Map component and Region Map, Constant Lines and Strips in 3D charts, and much more.
New products
A set of components for creating, viewing, exporting, and printing reports within applications and projects developed in Python. Our product supports connections to various data types, enables the use of client-server technology for report management, and provides extensive features for data visualization and analysis.