This example shows how to use viewer parameters. First, import scripts:
import { StimulsoftViewerModule } from 'stimulsoft-viewer-angular';
imports: [
Define properties:
properties = { reportName: this.reports[0] };
Then, create selector with items:
<select (change)="updateProps($">
<option *ngFor="let item of reports" [value]="item">{{ item }}</option>
Next, define URL template to server controller, initial action, properties and viewer height:
Then, create
. Next, initialize the viewer:
public IActionResult InitViewer()
var requestParams = StiAngularViewer.GetRequestParams(this);
var options = new StiAngularViewerOptions();
options.Actions.GetReport = "GetReport";
options.Actions.ViewerEvent = "ViewerEvent";
options.Appearance.ScrollbarsMode = true;
return StiAngularViewer.ViewerDataResult(requestParams, options);
After that, load a report:
public IActionResult GetReport()
var reportName = "MasterDetail.mrt";
var httpContext = new Stimulsoft.System.Web.HttpContext(this.HttpContext);
var properties = httpContext.Request.Params["properties"]?.ToString();
if (properties != null)
var data = Convert.FromBase64String(properties);
var json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
JContainer container = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JContainer>(json);
foreach (JToken token in container.Children())
if (((JProperty)token).Name == "reportName")
reportName = ((JProperty)token).Value.Value<string>();
var report = StiReport.CreateNewReport();
var path = StiAngularHelper.MapPath(this, $"Reports/{reportName}");
return StiAngularViewer.GetReportResult(this, report);
Finally, process other viewer requests:
public IActionResult ViewerEvent()
return StiAngularViewer.ViewerEventResult(this);
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