This example shows how to create a simple dashboard at runtime.

For example, let's create a dashboard with table. First, you need to add the StiBlazorViewer component to the view page.
@using Stimulsoft.Report.Blazor;


<StiBlazorViewer Report="@Report"></StiBlazorDesigner>


Next, create a new dashboard object - use the CreateNewDashboard() method for this. After that, read and register data:

// Create dashboard Object
this.Report = StiReport.CreateNewDashboard();
var dashboard = report.Pages[0] as StiDashboard;

// Read data
var dataBytes = await Http.GetByteArrayAsync("Data/Demo.xml");
var stream = new MemoryStream(dataBytes);
var data = new DataSet();

// Register data


Next, create a new StiTableElement() object, specify its position, size and fill it with data:

// Create table
var tableElement = new StiTableElement();
tableElement.Left = 0;
tableElement.Top = 0;
tableElement.Width = 700;
tableElement.Height = 500;
tableElement.Name = "Example";

// Fill table
var dataBase = new StiDimensionColumn();
dataBase.Expression = "Products.ProductID";

var dataBase1 = new StiDimensionColumn();
dataBase1.Expression = "Products.ProductName";

var dataBase2 = new StiDimensionColumn();
dataBase2.Expression = "Products.UnitPrice";


Then, apply filters:

// Apply filters
var filter1 = new StiDataFilterRule();
filter1.Condition = StiDataFilterCondition.BeginningWith;
filter1.Path = "Products.ProductID";
filter1.Value = "1";

var filter2 = new StiDataFilterRule();
filter2.Condition = StiDataFilterCondition.EndingWith;
filter2.Path = "Products.UnitPrice";
filter2.Value = "1";

Finally, add table to the dashboard:

// Add table to dashboard


In the screenshot below you can see the result of the sample code:

Creating Dashboard at Runtime

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