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Watch our video tutorials on Sharing Report in Stimulsoft Cloud. Subscribe to the Stimulsoft channel and be the first who watches new video tutorials. Leave your questions and suggestions in the comments to the video.




In Stimulsoft Cloud, you can provide remote access to view the report. To do this, select the report, click the Share button, set the access options, copy the URL to the item and send it to the addressee. Below is the menu that provides access to the report.



img_1 The No Access mode sets the ability to view reports only from the cloud service. The report cannot be viewed by the URL.

img_2 The Public Access mode allows remote viewing by the URL for any user. This mode is also used when embedding the report to the HTML page.

img_3 This parameter sets the time and date after which access will be closed. If this option is disabled, then there is no period of access, i.e. access is always enabled.


img_4 The link to access an item can be provided in the following ways:

strel11 Link to Share. Get only a link to this item. Also in this case, the field contains the Copy button (when clicked, the item will be copied to the clipboard), and the Refresh button (when clicked, a new link to the item will be created).

strel11 Embed Code. Get the code for the HTML page with the link to this item. Also in this case, the field contains the Copy button (when clicked, the embed code will be copied to the clipboard).

strel11 QR Code. Display the QR code. When reading this code you will automatically get a link to access the item.



cross12-1Embedding the access code to an item in the HTML page




Watch our video tutorials on Embedding Report to the HTML Page in Stimulsoft Cloud. Subscribe to the Stimulsoft channel and be the first who watches new video tutorials. Leave your questions and suggestions in the comments to the video.




Any report from Stimulsoft Cloud can be embedded to the HTML page. Do the following to embed a report to the HTML page:

Step 1: Select the necessary report in the navigator tree and on the toolbar of the item select Share.

Step 2: In the Sharing Settings menu do the following:

information Set the level of access to Public Access.

information Determine the mode of access to the item as Show.

information Go to the Embed Code tab and copy it.


Step 3: Open the HTML page in the editor and paste the copied code;

Step 4: Save changes.



Now consider an example


Step 1. Choose a report Invoice-All34 and click Share on the toolbar.




Step 2. Next set the public access, view mode, go to the tab Embed Code and copy the access code.




Step 3. Now you need to open the HTML page in any editor and paste the code. For example, open the HTML page in Notepad.




Step 4. Save the changes, open the HTML page in a web browser.




As can be seen in the picture above, the viewer with the loaded report will be displayed on your HTML page.