New Features |
1. | A new function, Eval, has been added. |
2. | Example expressions have been added to the editors of various components. |
3. | Filtering of variable items has been added when the items are sourced from a database. |
4. | Designer window controls in the File menu. |
5. | A new 'Get Data' block has been added to the event editor, which can be used to retrieve a value from a data column. |
6. | Method for registering fonts from a configuration JSON file. |
7. | A new function, Compare, has been added. |
8. | The possibility to enter an expression in the Image.File property within the image editor has been added. |
9. | The possibility of using an expression in the URL property has been added to the SubReport component. |
10. | The possibility of using an expression in the File property has been added to the SubReport component. |
11. | A new function, Clamp, has been added. |
12. | A new function, Frac, has been added. |
Enhancements |
1. | The color code displayed in controls on the properties panel is now in Hex format, instead of RGB format as it was previously. |
Fixed Bugs |
1. | Preserving a link in the data source to a resource when the resource is renamed. |
2. | Displays the custom font category in the Font menu. |
3. | Filtering the list of values for a dependent variable if it depends on another variable, without user input (request from user). |
4. | Handling DateTime data in independent variables. |
5. | Calculating the measure string when generating a report. |
6. | The SetVariable() method in Blockly ignored the 'Read Only' variable property when the report calculation mode was set to 'Interpretation.' This issue has been fixed. |
7. | Some bugs with Permissions on recent connection buttons. |
8. | Incorrect display of a message when the trial period expired. |