New Features
1.A new function, Eval, has been added.
2.Example expressions have been added to the editors of various components.
3.Filtering of variable items has been added when the items are sourced from a database.
4.Designer window controls in the File menu.
5.A new 'Get Data' block has been added to the event editor, which can be used to retrieve a value from a data column.
6.Method for registering fonts from a configuration JSON file.
7.A new function, Compare, has been added.
8.The possibility to enter an expression in the Image.File property within the image editor has been added.
9.The possibility of using an expression in the URL property has been added to the SubReport component.
10.The possibility of using an expression in the File property has been added to the SubReport component.
11.A new function, Clamp, has been added.
12.A new function, Frac, has been added.

1.The color code displayed in controls on the properties panel is now in Hex format, instead of RGB format as it was previously.

Fixed Bugs
1.Preserving a link in the data source to a resource when the resource is renamed.
2.Displays the custom font category in the Font menu.
3.Filtering the list of values for a dependent variable if it depends on another variable, without user input (request from user).
4.Handling DateTime data in independent variables.
5.Calculating the measure string when generating a report.
6.The SetVariable() method in Blockly ignored the 'Read Only' variable property when the report calculation mode was set to 'Interpretation.' This issue has been fixed.
7.Some bugs with Permissions on recent connection buttons.
8.Incorrect display of a message when the trial period expired.

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