Stimulsoft Dashboards.JS 2024.3

Published on 13 June 2024
New Features
1.The Heatmap chart has been added to JavaScript reports and dashboards.
2.Support for DateOnly and TimeOnly types has been added for the report variables and data columns.
3.Permission from JS Events. Added form and options.
4.Te new FixedHeight property has been added to the Combo Box, Tree View Box, and Date Picker elements.
5.Connecting tooltip for menu captions.
6.Support for creating user functions in the report designer.
7.Handle line breaks using "" and "" in text when creating scripts in Blockly.
8.Support for native names of geographical objects when manually entered for maps of China, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland, Poland.

1.Behavior of the "Max (Data Rows)" parameter for dashboards. If the parameter is set to 0, then when opening a template in the designer, queries to data sources are not performed.

Fixed Bugs
1.Loading images in the "Table" dashboard element.
2.Processing negative values ​​for a Funnel chart.
3.Processing an expression that contains the name of the relation in the dashboard elements.
4.Using expressions to calculate a value in a Pivot Table.
5."Show Nulls" and "Show Zeros" properties did not control values on both axis for Scatter Chart.
6.Pivot Table Summary fields with expressions.
7.A bug with cache for Data Sources in report has been fixed.
8.Processing empty values ​​for charts.
9.Definitions of the first day of the week in Data Picker when changing the report culture and browser settings.
10.Processing values ​​when using the FiscalMonthIdent() function in dashboard charts.
11.Initialization of the user value in the variable when viewing the report has been implemented.

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