The new version of the component StiMobileDesigner has now 18 themes, earlier it had only 3 themes. Each of color schemas – Office2013DarkGray, Office2013LightGray, Office2013White has 6 styles: blue, carmine, green, orange, purple, teal, violet.
The designer for Web is now more colorful and convenient. Beside decoration purposes, the new themes have the practical function. Now the user does not need to adjust the appearance of his website to our report designer or vice versa. It is enough, to choose the theme, which looks similar to the appearance to the web-application.
The designer for Web is now more colorful and convenient. Beside decoration purposes, the new themes have the practical function. Now the user does not need to adjust the appearance of his website to our report designer or vice versa. It is enough, to choose the theme, which looks similar to the appearance to the web-application.