This tool allows you to quickly and easily convert your .rtf document to the .mrt format of our reporting tool. All you need is to specify the path to the .rtf document in the RichTextFile field, and then, in the Stimulsoft Reports Template field, choose the path to save the .mrt file. Then click the Convert button. Your file is converted! Then open the report designer and continue editing the document. In the prerelease build of the product from November 26, 2010 this feature is already included and available for evaluation. You may download the prerelease build here.
UltimateSupported platforms are WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET (MVC, WebForms), .NET Core (MVC, Razor), Blazor (Server, Wasm), JavaScript, Node.js, Angular, PHP, Python, Java, Avalonia, and various frameworks built on these platforms. This kit includes all embedded solutions of reports, dashboards and forms. |
Reports.WEBASP.NET, MVC, .NET Core, Angular, Blazor |
Reports.NETWinForms, .NET Core, .NET, .NET Framework |
Reports.JSJavaScript, Node.js, Angular, React, Vue.js |
Reports.WPFWPF, .NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET |
Reports.PHPPHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8 |
Reports.BLAZORBlazor Server, Blazor Wasm |
Reports.ANGULARAll actively supported versions |
Reports.AVALONIA.NET 6+ |
Reports.PYTHONPython 3.10+, JavaScript |
Reports.JAVAJava™ SE 1.8+ |
Dashboards.WEBASP.NET, MVC, Blazor, .NET Core, .NET |
Dashboards.WINWinForms, WPF, .NET Core, .NET, .NET Framework |
Dashboards.JSJavaScript, Node.js, Angular, React, Vue.js |
Dashboards.PHPPHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8 |
Dashboards.BLAZORBlazor Server, Blazor Wasm |
Dashboards.ANGULARAll actively supported versions |
Dashboards.PYTHONPython 3.10+, JavaScript |
BI CloudA cloud service to quickly and efficiently analyze and visualize data for your business without creating your applications and programming. |
BI DesignerA sturdy product that runs on any computer and any platform. |
BI ServerA complete set of tools for working with reports and dashboards, as well as user management and automation tools. |