In today's article, we will discuss how you can leverage commands in the console to work with Stimulsoft analytics and data visualization tools.

Step-by-Step Guide

Begin by downloading and installing Stimulsoft BI Designer from our official website. Once the installer is downloaded, run it and click the Install button - the installation process is automated. Subsequently, access the command line in the operating system with administrator rights.

Following this, you can invoke Stimulsoft tools from the command line. Initially, navigate to the application folder. For Stimulsoft BI Designer, the path will be: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Stimulsoft Designer %version%\".

c:\> cd c:\Program Files (x86)\Stimulsoft Designer %version%\

To launch the report designer, execute the command "start Designer.exe".

c:\Program Files (x86)\Stimulsoft Designer %version%>start Designer.exe

By default, the report designer will launch in Welcome mode. However, you can start the report designer without a welcome message, but immediately with a blank template page by setting the "-startscreen" parameter to false.

c:\Program Files (x86)\Stimulsoft Designer %version%>start Designer.exe -startscreen="false"

Consequently, this also works in the opposite direction. If you need to start the designer in welcome mode, but another behavior was defined in the settings, then the "-startscreen" parameter should be set to true.

Starting the designer with Report Wizards

The Report Designer can also be initiated with the Report Wizards. This can be achieved by using the "-runwizard" parameter and assigning it one of the values.

c:\Program Files (x86)\Stimulsoft Designer %version%>start Designer.exe -runwizard="blank"

The "-runwizard" parameter can be assigned the following values:

  • blank - initiates the report designer with a blank report page;
  • blankdashboard - initiates the report designer with a blank dashboard;
  • standard - starts the report designer with a simple list using the report wizard;
  • masterdetail - begins the report designer with the Master-Detail wizard;
  • label - opens the report designer with the wizard for creating a report with labels;
  • crosstab - activates the report designer with the wizard for creating a Cross-tab report;
  • chart - accesses the report designer with the wizard for creating a report with a chart.

Alternatively, you can initiate the report designer by loading a report template into it. After calling the designer with the command, specify the path to the .mrt/.mrz/.mrx files.

c:\Program Files (x86)\Stimulsoft Designer %version%>start Designer.exe d:\Report.mrt

Loading from Stimulsoft Cloud

To load a report from the Stimulsoft Cloud service, utilize the "-cloudreport" parameter, assigning the report access key as its value. The Access key for a report can be obtained from Stimulsoft Cloud by selecting the report and choosing the Access Key command from the More menu.

c:\Program Files (x86)\Stimulsoft Designer %version%>start Designer.exe -cloudreport="Access key"

To connect XML data sources, you need to add the "-data" parameter and specify the path to the folder containing XML data files.

c:\Program Files (x86)\Stimulsoft Designer %version%>start Designer.exe -data=d:\MyData -run

To open a report template *.mrt, *.mrz, *.mrx or a rendered report *.mdc, *.mdz, *.mdx in the viewer, you should add the "-run" parameter.

c:\Program Files (x86)\Stimulsoft Designer %version%>start Designer.exe d:\Report.mrt -run

Loading a scheduler

Additionally, if a scheduler has been created previously, it can be initiated from the command line using the "-schedule" parameter, with the scheduler's name passed as its value. All created schedulers can be found in the path "c:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Stimulsoft\Scheduler".

c:\Program Files (x86)\Stimulsoft Designer %version%>start Designer.exe -schedule scheduleName

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require further assistance.
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