Today, in this article, we’re going to tell you about the new features of the Publish wizard. Let us remind you that this tool allows you to integrate Stimulsoft components into a user application. Using the Publish Wizard, you can define a platform and an action to be performed in a report and many other settings. In version 2022.2, we have added new features, but first things first.
New features for JS
In the new version, we have added the ability to select a new type of the React + TypeScript project when publishing a report for the JavaScript platform. When publishing a report to a JavaScript and Node.js project, now you can enable data adapters for certain types of sources in a report. Besides, the support of all versions of the popular Angular framework has been added, including the current ones - 10, 11, 12, and 13.
.NET 6.0 in the Publish wizard
Microsoft will end support for the .NET 5.0 framework very soon, and we’re gradually preparing a solution for you. We have already reported on the work of our components under the .NET 6.0 framework in this note. Now, we have updated the Publish Wizard, and you can specify a version of the .NET 6.0 framework for a project. This option is available on the following platforms: ASP.NET MVC, Winforms, WPF, and Blazor in the Publish Wizard.
Other features of the Publish wizard
In addition to the above, in the current release, we have added the functionality to use a rendered report (.mdc file) instead of a report template (.mrt file) for projects with the Show or Export options enabled. To do this, you should check the Use rendered report parameter. One more new feature concerns only export action. Now, you can display export settings for a selected platform in a project code.We have considerably expanded the integration functionality of Stimulsoft components into applications by adding new frameworks (Angular, .NET 6.0), project types (React + TypeScript), and other options that add flexibility when using the Publish wizard.

For a visual understanding of all of the above mentioned, we have prepared a video for you on our YouTube channel.
If you have any questions, please contact us.