We continue to announce new features of the new version of Stimulsoft 2022.1, which will be available very soon. Today we will tell you about new data sources for the Stimulsoft Reports.Blazor product.
You used to be able to use only file sources: Excel, XML, JSON, CSV, DBase, when connecting data in the report designer. This introduced significant restrictions in the process of developing reports.
In the new version of Reports.Blazor product (included in the subscription product Reports.Web), you will be able to connect all available types of data for Server components:
In the new version of Reports.Blazor product (included in the subscription product Reports.Web), you will be able to connect all available types of data for Server components:
- SQL (MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle etc.);
- NoSQL (MongoDB);
- Azure (Blob and Table Storage, Azure SQL, Cosmos DB);
- Google (Firebird, Google Analytics, BigQuery, Google Sheet);
- online services (data.world, QuickBooks);
- REST (OData).
To use these data sources you should add an adapter to your project, a list of supported version is on our website. The ability to connect various types of data sources substantially expends the functionality both of our report generator and your applications, which were written for Blazor.