Today, we will explain and provide examples of how to integrate Stimulsoft reporting tools into the Wisej.NET development environment.

What is Wisej.NET?

Wisej.NET is a cross-platform framework specifically designed for developing large-scale applications and services on the base of .NET, ASP.NET, and ASP.NET Core platforms. It provides an environment for development, deployment, integration, and project management, offering a set of components and features to support the creation and management of large enterprise applications.

Compatibility of Stimulsoft components with Wisej.NET

Wisej.NET provides easy and convenient integration with numerous third-party services, including components for creating reports, dashboards, and forms. In response to user requests, we have thoroughly tested the compatibility of our components with this platform and prepared several integration samples.

Embedding Stimulsoft designer and viewer in Wisej.NET applications

This sample demonstrates how to embed a designer in the application developed using the cross-platform Wisej.NET framework – Using the Designer in Wisej.NET. Another sample shows how to integrate a report viewer into Wisej.NET applications – Using the Viewer in Wisej.NET.
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