This example builds a Realtime Live Report with automatic content update. For example, use a report with some text and a chart with two series. In the Form1() initialization method, find the necessary report components. The report is loaded from the application resources:
private StiText text = null;
private StiChart chart = null;


public Form1()
	// Required for Windows Form Designer support
	stiPreviewControl1.PageViewMode = Stimulsoft.Report.Viewer.StiPageViewMode.Continuous;
	StiComponentsCollection comps = stiReport1.RenderedPages[0].GetComponents();
	text = comps["Text1"] as StiText;
	chart = comps["Chart1"] as StiChart;

The timer1_Tick timer event change the properties of the selected report components (such as angle), and redraws the report. First, apply the text rotation:
private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer1;


private void timer1_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
	if (text == null)return;
	// Rotate text
	float angle = text.TextOptions.Angle;
	angle -= 1f;
	if (angle < 0) angle = 359;
	text.TextOptions.Angle = angle;


Next, since the chart sample has two series, the rotation should be done for each series:

	// Rotate series 1
	angle = ((StiDoughnutSeries)chart.Series[0]).StartAngle;
	angle -= 1f;
	if (angle < 0) angle = 359;
	((StiDoughnutSeries)chart.Series[0]).StartAngle = angle;
	// Rotate series 2
	angle = ((StiDoughnutSeries)chart.Series[1]).StartAngle;
	angle += 1f;
	if (angle > 359) angle = 0;
	((StiDoughnutSeries)chart.Series[1]).StartAngle = angle;


Finally, update the report in realtime:

	RectangleD rect = stiPreviewControl1.GetComponentRect(text);
	rect = stiPreviewControl1.GetComponentRect(chart);

На скриншоте ниже Вы можете увидеть результат выполнения данного кода:

Previewing a Report with AutoUpdate in Realtime

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