This example shows how to integrate the report viewer and report designer into an application. Let's start from viewer. First, import scripts:
using Stimulsoft.Report;
using Stimulsoft.Report.Angular;
using Stimulsoft.Report.Mvc;
using Stimulsoft.Report.Web;


Next, initialize the viewer:

public ActionResult InitViewer()
	var requestParams = StiMvcViewer.GetRequestParams();

	var options = new StiAngularViewerOptions();
	options.Actions.GetReport = "GetReport";
	options.Actions.ViewerEvent = "ViewerEvent";
	options.Appearance.ScrollbarsMode = true;
	options.Toolbar.ShowDesignButton = true;

	return StiAngularViewer.ViewerDataResult(requestParams, options);

After that, load a report:

public ActionResult GetReport()
	var report = StiReport.CreateNewReport();
	var path = Server.MapPath($"~/Reports/MasterDetail.mrt");

	return StiAngularViewer.GetReportResult(report);


Finally, process other viewer requests:

public ActionResult ViewerEvent()
	return StiAngularViewer.ViewerEventResult();


Now, let's continue with designer. First, import scripts:
using Stimulsoft.Report;
using Stimulsoft.Report.Mvc;
using Stimulsoft.Report.Web;


Next, initialize the designer:

public ActionResult Get()
	var requestParams = StiMvcDesigner.GetRequestParams();

	if (requestParams.Action == StiAction.Undefined)
		var options = new StiMvcDesignerOptions();
		return StiMvcDesigner.GetAngularScriptsResult(requestParams, options);

	if (requestParams.ComponentType == StiComponentType.Designer)
		switch (requestParams.Action)
			case StiAction.GetReport:
				return GetReport();

			case StiAction.SaveReport:
				return SaveReport();

	return StiMvcDesigner.ProcessRequestResult();

After that, load a report:

public ActionResult GetReport()
	var report = StiReport.CreateNewReport();
	var path = Server.MapPath("~/Reports/MasterDetail.mrt");

	return StiMvcDesigner.GetReportResult(report);


Finally, create a method to save report:

public ActionResult SaveReport()
	var report = StiMvcDesigner.GetReportObject();

	var path = Server.MapPath("~/Reports/MasterDetail.mrt");

	return StiMvcDesigner.SaveReportResult();


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