This example shows how to use a SQL data sources. First, you need to add the Stimulsoft libraries and scripts, required for the component to work. All code should be added in the <head> block of the HTML page:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';


$js = new \Stimulsoft\StiJavaScript(\Stimulsoft\StiComponentType::Viewer);

Next, in the <script> block, create and configure an event handler:
<script type="text/javascript">
$handler = new \Stimulsoft\StiHandler();

Next, create the viewer with the necessary options and define the onBeginProcessData event. If value set to true, this event will be passed to the server-side event handler:
$options = new \Stimulsoft\Viewer\StiViewerOptions();
$options->appearance->fullScreenMode = true;

$viewer = new \Stimulsoft\Viewer\StiViewer($options);
$viewer->onBeginProcessData = true;

Next, create and load a dashboard. The loadFile() method does not load the report object on the server side, it only generates the necessary JavaScript code. The dashboard will be loaded into a JavaScript object on the client side:
$report = new \Stimulsoft\Report\StiReport();
$viewer->report = $report;

Finally, render the necessary JavaScript code and visual HTML part of the component, and close the </script> block. The rendered code will be placed inside the specified HTML element:
function onLoad() {


<body onload="onLoad();">
<div id="viewerContent"></div>

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