Grouping elements on Dashboard

When developing a dashboard, you can divide its elements into groups.


The following questions will be considered in this chapter:

The group of elements creation;

Changing a group for an element;

Deleting an element from a group.


Elements group creation

To do it you should make the following actions:

Step 1: Create or open a dashboard;


Step 2: Select the dashboard elements. To select several elements, you should hold down the Ctrl and click the left mouse button on the input pointer;


Step 3: Assign the name of a group in the Group field in the properties panel in the report designer.




Changing group for an element
To do it you should make the following actions:


Step 1: Select an element;


Step 2: Change the value, by specifying the name of a new group in the field of the Group property.



Deleting element from the group

To do it you should make the following actions:


Step 1: Select an element on a dashboard;
Step 2: Delete a value in the field of the Group property.