September 2022

2 Sep 2022  ·  Alex Markus

New features of the Pivot Table

In this article, we’ll tell you about the Pivot Table element features that have become available since the 2022.3 version.

August 2022

24 Aug 2022  ·  Rodion Tamm

Region map in dashboards

Today, you’ll learn about the Region map element, its basic features, ways of data analysis, and its use in dashboards.
19 Aug 2022  ·  Eliza Leppik

Using a Stored Procedure in the design of reports

When creating reports or dashboards, a Stored Procedure is often used to get data.
16 Aug 2022  ·  Alex Markus

New features for the Tooltip

One of the new features of the 2022.3 release is the ability of advanced settings for tooltips design when hovering.
9 Aug 2022  ·  Eliza Leppik

The DataMatrix Barcode in Stimulsoft reports

We are starting a series of articles about two-dimensional barcodes and how to use them in the reports created in Stimulsoft tools.
2 Aug 2022  ·  Rodion Tamm

The Pivot Table element in dashboards

This time, we’re going to tell you about the Pivot Table.

July 2022

25 Jul 2022  ·  Alex Markus

The HTML Preview Mode

We continue to acquaint you with new features of the version of Stimulsoft Reports and Dashboards 2022.3. Today we’re going to tell you about the HTML Preview Mode.
20 Jul 2022  ·  Alex Markus

The GraphQL data adapter in Stimulsoft reporting tools

We continue to tell you about the Stimulsoft 2022.3 version and its new features.
15 Jul 2022  ·  Rodion Tamm

Applying the Progress element in dashboards

Today you’ll learn about another element – Progress, its basic features and how it is applied in dashboards.
13 Jul 2022  ·  Alex Markus

Ribbon chart in Stimulsoft products for creating reports

We start the series of articles about new features of the version of Stimulsoft Reports and Dashboards 2022.3 that was released on June 21, 2022.
6 Jul 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Indicator in dashboards

This time we will tell you in detail about the Indicator element.

June 2022

29 Jun 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Online map in dashboards

Now, it’s time to consider the next dashboard element – Online map.
16 Jun 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Changing font in reports

Today's article is about changing the text font as one of the options for customizing reports.
9 Jun 2022  ·  Rodion Tamm

Gauges in dashboards

Now we’re going to tell you about the Gauge element.
3 Jun 2022  ·  Tim Crawford

Parameters in a query

In today’s article, we’re going to tell you about features of data filtering when querying storage and how to reduce time for it, having optimized the process of report and dashboard rendering.
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