1. How to install a Stimulsoft Reports.PHP?
2. How to show report in viewer?
3. How to design new report?
4. How to design a specified report?
5. How to use parameters in the SQL query?
6. How to set values of variables, used in the report?
7. How to save report, changed in designer, on the server or in the database?
8. Which databases are supported?
9. How to configure the designer and viewer?

1. How to install a Stimulsoft Reports.PHP?

The installation package contains a PHP/Flex folder. This folder contains all application files, including the 'index.html' file. So all files from this folder are required to be copied on your PHP server (using ftp or http access interface - depending on your hosting provider). Then, in your browser, you can go to the following address:
If you use the PHP server installed on local developers computer:

2. How to show report in viewer?

To show report in a viewer it is necessary to call the 'index.php' file with the following parameters:
stimulsoft_client_key: parameter, that determines which report will be loaded

You can manage report's loading in the 'sti_get_report' function, which is located in the 'index.php' file.

3. How to design new report?

To load the designer it is necessary to call the 'index.php' file with the following parameters:

4. How to design a specified report?

To load the designer it is necessary to call the 'index.php' file with the following parameters:
stimulsoft_client_key: parameter, that determines which report will be loaded

You can manage reports loading in the 'sti_get_report' function, which is located in the 'index.php' file.

5. How to use parameters in the SQL query?

To use parameters in the SQL query, the parameters must be specified by the following way:
SELECT * FROM table LIMIT {param1}
Then parameters, specified in SQL query, must be added in the URL request with the same name:
Also, you can manage parameters in the 'sti_get_parameter' function, which is located in the 'index.php' file.

6. How to set values of variables, used in the report?

Variables, used in the report, can be set in the GET or POST request with the same name, for example:
Also, you can use the 'Request from User' option. In this case, the variables will be requested in the viewer window.

7. How to save report, changed in designer, on the server or in the database?

Variables, used in the report, can be set in the GET or POST request with the same name, for example:
For this you must use the 'sti_save_report' function, which is located in the 'index.php' file. When you click the 'Save' button in the designer, this function will be called. As a parameter the report for saving will be passed.

8. Which databases are supported?

Currently supports the following data types: XML, MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC, Firebird, Oracle.

9. How to configure the designer and viewer?

The 'config.xml' file is used to configure the designer and viewer. This file is automatically called by the designer of viewer immediately after loading. The description of all available options can be found in the quick start application.
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