Behobene Fehler |
1. | An issue with initialization nullable variables with null in compilation mode has been fixed.V2025.1.6 |
2. | An error message might appear if the file data sources have an incorrect connection path.V2025.1.2 |
3. | Accessing the report print menu in the viewer when custom fonts are used in the report.V2025.1.2 |
1. | In some cases, an "Object has null value" exception occurred in Blazor Viewer and Blazor Designer.V2025.1.3DBlazor |
5. | Some errors when working with the Blockly editor in the Web report designer.V2025.1.4 |
6. | Initialization of values of a variable of the DateTime type, in cases where formatting is used as Date.V2025.1.4 |
7. | Displaying a message when logging in and there is no internet connection in the Web report designer.V2025.1.4 |
8. | The dock style and resizing components within a report.V2025.1.4 |
9. | Reloads the viewer when the browser is resized, in cases where the dashboard parameter "Content Alignment" is set to Left, Right or Center.V2025.1.4 |
10. | Displaying headers in a chart when saving a report or dashboard to a *.mrt file with JSON markup.V2025.1.4 |
11. | Passing parameters from the "Pivot" element during the interactive action "Show Dashboard.".V2025.1.5 |
12. | Functioning of hotkeys after opening the "Share" menu.V2025.1.5 |
13. | Calculation of the position of dashboards if a vertical scrollbar is present.V2025.1.5 |
14. | Replacing a null value with 0 when editing a variable.V2025.1.5 |
15. | Calculation of the expression for the "Culture" property.V2025.1.6 |
16. | Closing the Header menu if it was open when clicking on the header of another column.V2025.1.6 |
17. | Warnings when importing a system library in cases of publishing a Blazor WebAssembly project.V2025.1.6DBlazor |
18. | Displaying extra columns when manually entering data in a Heatmap type chart.V2025.1.2 |
19. | A bug with the background for Data Bars, Color Scale, Indicators, Sparklines, and Bubble table cells has been fixed.V2025.1.1 |
20. | Rendering the selected value in the Tree View element.V2025.1.1 |
21. | Blazor Server report designer hangs when editing OData data source.V2025.1.1DBlazor |
22. | Behavior of the color selection field in the Conditions editor.V2025.1.1 |
23. | In some cases, the Blazor viewer height was set incorrectly.V2025.1.1DBlazor |
24. | Editing the expression in the "Enabled" property for several components at once.V2025.1.1 |
25. | Improved the accuracy of element placement with indents and rounding when exporting a dashboard to PDF format.V2025.1.1DBlazor |
26. | Text colors in the style of the "Progress" type.V2025.1.1 |
27. | Calculating the dashboard size in the viewer if the dashboard has its "Content Alignment" parameter set to "Stretch X".V2025.1.1 |
28. | Executing XSS code in Web designer fields.V2025.1.1 |
29. | View data for a Pivot Table dashboard item.V2025.1.1 |