Neue Möglichkeiten |
1. | Support for expressions in the watermark text of dashboards and panels.V2025.1.1 |
2. | Ability to use the view name as the title of the dashboard element "Chart".V2025.1.1 |
3. | The "Size" property group for "Measure" type fields in the "Table" dashboard element.V2025.1.1 |
4. | The "onClose()" event for the report designer.V2025.1.1 |
5. | Displaying the group separator when formatting values.V2025.1.6 |
6. | Data dictionary in various expression editors.V2025.1.1 |
7. | Support for icons in conditional formatting of the dashboard element "Table".V2025.1.1 |
8. | Check variable name for reserved words.V2025.1.1 |
9. | The Swap button in the Chart component editor allows you to exchange the expressions in the Arguments and Values fields. Note that the Swap button is not available for all chart types.V2025.1.1 |
10. | Added filtering modes for dashboard items: Tree View and Tree View Box. The filter can now be applied with or without hierarchy.V2025.1.1 |
11. | Ability to specify a "Title" for the X-axis and Y-axis in 3D charts.V2025.1.1 |
Verbesserungen |
1. | Mechanics for dragging fields in dashboard element editors.V2025.1.4 |
2. | The "dispose()" method of the report designer now removes the report designer from the HTML DOM tree when called.V2025.1.4 |
3. | A change marker has been added to the Export Settings Editor.V2025.1.1 |
4. | A change marker has been added to the Preview Settings Editor.V2025.1.1 |
5. | Display the Style Selection menu on the Home tab of the Ribbon in the Report Designer.V2025.1.1 |
6. | Optimized loading of *.mrt file with XML markup in the report designer.V2025.1.1 |
7. | Localizations of map signatures have been moved to separate files.V2025.1.1 |
Behobene Fehler |
1. | Closing the Header menu if it was open when clicking on the header of another column.V2025.1.6 |
2. | Some errors when working with the Blockly editor in the Web report designer.V2025.1.4 |
3. | Accessing the report print menu in the viewer when custom fonts are used in the report.V2025.1.2 |
4. | Initialization of values of a variable of the DateTime type, in cases where formatting is used as Date.V2025.1.4 |
5. | Displaying a message when logging in and there is no internet connection in the Web report designer.V2025.1.4 |
6. | The dock style and resizing components within a report.V2025.1.4 |
7. | Using the joinColumnContent() method in user function scripts.V2025.1.4 |
8. | Reloads the viewer when the browser is resized, in cases where the dashboard parameter "Content Alignment" is set to Left, Right or Center.V2025.1.4 |
9. | Calling user functions in other user functions.V2025.1.4 |
10. | Loading values of a variable with a date when opening a *.mrt file in the report designer.V2025.1.4 |
11. | Adding an open report to the "Recent" list in the JS report designer.V2025.1.5 |
12. | Duplication of custom fonts in the font list.V2025.1.5 |
13. | Passing parameters from the "Pivot" element during the interactive action "Show Dashboard.".V2025.1.5 |
14. | Functioning of hotkeys after opening the "Share" menu.V2025.1.5 |
15. | Calculation of the position of dashboards if a vertical scrollbar is present.V2025.1.5 |
16. | Replacing a null value with 0 when editing a variable.V2025.1.5 |
17. | Passing the connection name when performing the connection test.V2025.1.6 |
18. | Calculation of the expression for the "Culture" property.V2025.1.6 |
19. | The dependencies in the npm packages have been fixed.V2025.1.2 |
20. | The names of the columns when viewing data for the "Region Map" dashboard element.V2025.1.1 |
21. | View data for a Pivot Table dashboard item.V2025.1.1 |
22. | Automatic grouping of arguments for charts in reports and dashboards.V2025.1.1 |
23. | Executing XSS code in Web designer fields.V2025.1.1 |
24. | Calculating the dashboard size in the viewer if the dashboard has its "Content Alignment" parameter set to "Stretch X".V2025.1.1 |
25. | Text colors in the style of the "Progress" type.V2025.1.1 |
26. | Improved the accuracy of element placement with indents and rounding when exporting a dashboard to PDF format.V2025.1.1 |
27. | Editing the expression in the "Enabled" property for several components at once.V2025.1.1 |
28. | Behavior of the color selection field in the Conditions editor.V2025.1.1 |
29. | Rendering the selected value in the Tree View element.V2025.1.1 |
30. | A bug with the background for Data Bars, Color Scale, Indicators, Sparklines, and Bubble table cells has been fixed.V2025.1.1 |
31. | Performing undo and redo commands after opening a report in the Report Designer.V2025.1.1 |
32. | Displaying extra columns when manually entering data in a Heatmap type chart.V2025.1.2 |
33. | Loading the Electron module when running JS projects.V2025.1.2 |