While user manuals, educational videos, and dashboard examples provide valuable insights, it's often challenging to focus on what truly matters. Sometimes, a single phrase from those who understand the product can reveal the essence and philosophy behind creating reports and visualizing data. At Stimulsoft, we are thrilled to offer you an exceptional opportunity to discover the power of our Stimulsoft Reports and Stimulsoft Dashboards products. Our company is dedicated to providing comprehensive training tailored to each role within your business, including developers, report designers, and customers utilizing our products in your applications.

What sets our training apart? Flexibility is key. Whether you prefer online sessions or on-site training at your company's office, we have got you covered. For online training, we utilize the Zoom service, allowing you to conveniently participate from anywhere. All sessions are recorded, granting you access to the training materials at any time. This feature ensures you can revisit specific topics or fill in any knowledge gaps whenever needed. We understand the importance of accommodating your schedule, so we work closely with you to determine the most convenient time and date for the training.

Unlike rigid programs, we customize the training according to your specific requirements. We focus solely on the aspects of the product that are vital to your project's success. Our goal is to empower you to design practical reports and dashboards that you will actively utilize.
Online training sessions are priced at $90 USD per hour,
with a minimum of 10 prepaid hours.
If you prefer on-site training conducted by our specialists, the pricing will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

To schedule the training and discuss further details, please send a request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Our team will assist you in selecting the most suitable training date and developing a customized agenda to enhance your skills in report and form creation as well as dashboard design.
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