Using Component Properties

When creating expressions, you can use the properties of any component contained within a report.



The syntax is the same whether the report language is C# or VB.NET. You enter the name of the component and the property name separated by a decimal point or full-stop character, surrounded by curly braces:








If the report language is C#, then names are case sensitive. If the report language is VB.NET, then names are not case sensitive.




For example, to display the name of a component called MyComponent, you would enter the expression:






If you wish to access a calculated value from within a component, you should use the property that contains the result you require. For example, if the component has a hyperlink value which calculates a hyperlink from the other component properties, you would access it by entering the expression:






You can use component properties in calculations should this be necessary. For example, the following would display the area taken up by the component:


