We analyzed the use of Flash components by our customers and concluded that, compared to other technologies, very few of them use Flash. We decided to completely stop supporting Flash, optimize the set of our components, and focus on different platforms that are popular now.
Adobe Flash is an Adobe Systems multimedia platform for creating animated rich web applications and multimedia presentations. The main features are fast work, the identical appearance, and functionality of a ready solution on any computer and operating system.

The first version of Stimulsoft reporting components using Flash was released over 10 years ago - in October 2008. Since then, we have continuously been developing components for designing reports, filling them with functionality, and expanding capabilities. In September 2013, Adobe stopped releasing Flash updates for mobile devices, and in July 2017 recognized the technology as obsolete. The Flash life cycle went to an end in 2019, it was replaced by promising HTML5 and JavaScript technologies. Around this time, our company stopped updating Flash components – patches with only important updates and critical bug fixes were released.
Starting with version 2020.3, all reporting components that use Flash technology will be marked as obsolete. In version 2020.4, we plan to remove these components from all our products. As an alternative, we recommend using HTML5 and JavaScript components that almost completely cover all the functionality of outdated Flash technology, are continually being improved, support dashboards, and work on mobile devices.

Below is a list of obsolete components and options on which we recommend to replace:
Product and Platform from Flash to HTML5
Stimulsoft Reports.Web ASP.NET StiWebViewerFx
Stimulsoft Reports.Web ASP.NET MVC StiMvcViewerFx
Stimulsoft Reports.Web .NET Core MVC StiNetCoreViewerFx
Stimulsoft Reports.PHP PHP ViewerFx_PHP
Stimulsoft Reports.Java Java StiViewerFx
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