Thank you for your interest in our products. Supporting our products has always been our top priority. If you encounter any issues with our products, please contact us using our Feedback form. Our managers will promptly review your information and respond as quickly as possible.For licensed clients
When seeking technical support, please ensure that you use the same email address that was used during the product purchase. Otherwise, we may not be able to identify you as a licensed user, which could result in a slower response. If you change your email address, please inform us accordingly. Additionally, we highly recommend reading the article on How to solve a problem quickly.Necessary information
In order to promptly resolve any issues, we kindly request the following information from you:- Clearly specify the product and its version that you are using;
- Provide a detailed description of the problem and clear instructions on how to reproduce it;
- If the issue is related to software development, please attach the relevant project files;
- If the problem is specific to a particular report component, kindly attach a report template;
- Whenever possible, include several screenshots with brief descriptions;
- Any additional information that you believe could assist us in resolving your problem would be greatly appreciated.