We are glad to announce the immediate availability of Stimulsoft Reports product line version 2011.2. This line includes the following products: Stimulsoft Reports.Net, Stimulsoft Reports.Web, Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf, Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight, Stimulsoft Reports Designer.Web, Stimulsoft Reports Designer.Silverlight and Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate (inlcudes all products specified above). In this version we have added support for the Report Checker tool and globalization in Reports.Web, ability to store reports in the Google Docs service, redesigned the Installer tool and the chart engine, improved filters and queries, added new chart types and great many more. Please read the description of not all but the most significant improvements and features added in Stimulsoft Reports.
Report Checker for Web
The desktop versions of our product come with a unique module for testing reports - Report Checker. It is available either as a separate utility or as an integrated tool in the report designer. Now you can check your reports for errors in Web applications. Since version 2011.2 the Report Checker is available for report designers Designer.Web and Designer.Silverlight. This utility not only checks the report for errors, but also describes in detail the reason or their appearance, and offers suggestions to correct them by pressing a single button.

Save a Copy
A new option to save a copy of any item in the data dictionary is added. A button to save a copy is available in the edit item dialog. This feature will significantly speed up the process of creating new elements in the data dictionary. On the current moment, the feature is available in the WinForms report designer.

Filters and Queries
In version 2011.1, as well as in all previous versions, filtration was processed mostly by the report generator. In the new version, users choose themselves how to filter - using the report generator or using an SQL query. If you are using the SQL query, report generator will make changes of the SQL query text using a special algorithm, based on the specified filtration options. Filtration options are specified in the data band. This new feature can be used to optimize the exchange of data between the application and database.
New Importing Tool
Despite the fact that Stimulsoft Reports understands a lot of third-party file formats, we decided not to stop on it. A new one is added into the importing utilities list - imports from the Report Sharp-Shooter format. This tool will help you to get started with Stimulsoft Reports much quicker. The utility supports the main elements of the product.
Sorting and Filtration of Business Objects
Sorting and filtration is now possible for business objects! You can setup sorting and filtration using a standard editing dialog of the Data band. Configuration interface is exactly the same as for data sources.

Collapsing Hierarchical Reports
Earlier interactive collapsing was only available for groups and master-detail reports. Now you can expand and collapse hierarchical bands. All that is necessary is to change one option of a band. Using collapsing function it is possible to save the user reports from the contemplation of redundant information in the report and, at the same time, provide this information only if needed.

New Installer
The Installer utility is delivered as a part of Stimulsoft Reports pack. This utility helps you to install or remove Stimulsoft Reports assemblies in GAC. The tool is also a great helper in using the NGEN utility in conjunction with the assemblies of our product. The new Installer has redesigned appearance and updated programming stuffing.

Google Docs and Storing Reports
All report designers of Stimulsoft Reports can keep their reports in the Cloud from Google Company. All you need is a GMail account. You can save a report in your office and open it at home. It is simple - just a few mouse clicks. We are confident that the new feature will simplify the storage of report templates for our users.

Multiple Monitors
Our company can claim that all our applications are fully adapted to work on two or more monitors. At the same time, you can open several applications and display them on different monitors. Before closing the application, all information about the location of the application will be remembered. Next time, when the application is run, the user will find it on the same position in a monitor where it was last time before being closed.
New Functions
A new feature is added to the data dictionary - ToWordsFa. The function converts a number to string in words in Persian. This feature is available in all versions of the report generator and expands already a big list of possibilities for creating international reports.

Support for Dirhams in ToCurrencyWords
To the list of supported currencies of the ToCurrencyWords function support for another currency DHS (Dirham) is added.
New Chart Types
We are constantly working to expand the list of supported types of charts. In release 2011.2, our team is glad to announce four new chart types - Bubble, Radar Point, Radar Line, and Radar Area.

New Assistant - Options Helper
The new tool Options Helper is available in this release. This tool helps to understand many options of the report generator and create a list of changed parameters. This list can be loaded in your program to quickly initialize the report generator properties. Also, the list can be used for the report designer. For this purpose it is enough to place it in the same folder as the report designer.

Parameters in Web
In previous versions of our products we have added support for new parameters in the desktop and Silverlight applications. Now the parameters are supported in Reports.Web. New parameters can be changed in Designer.Web. They can be used using WebViewer.Fx. Using parameters greatly expands using reports and their interactivity. It supports not only simple values but ranges of values and values lists.
Border.Topmost Porperty
In version 2011.2 the report developers have a new feature to build reports - the Border.Topmost property. If to enable it for the border, the border side will always be drawn on the top of components. This feature expands the visual abilities of reports. It is also like a workaround for some limitations in designing reports.

Page Order
Now you can change the order of the pages in the report designer for Web. It is as easy there as in the desktop report designer. This can be done using the context menu of the page tab.
Globalization in Web
In the previous version of the report designer for Web, expressions editor when globalizing reports are not delivered. In the new version we have eliminated this annoying omission. Now you can fully globalize your reports using the report editor for Web, without using the desktop version of the report designer.
Printing to PDF File from WebViewerFx
We have added support for printing into the Adobe PDF file to enhance printing from the Web application that uses the WebViewerFx component. If you need to print the report using the PDF file, you must set the Print to PDF option in the print dialog of the report. Printing to a PDF file allows you to send perfectly accurate copy of the report to the printer.
We have done a great work of optimizing the report designer when working with very large reports. Optimization was done in WPF, WinForms and Silverlight versions of the report designer. The performance of many dialog boxes for editing items is greatly increased. We have reduced delays in carrying out of many operations in the report, optimized many algorithms.
Interacting with Charts
The new version of our products comes with a new chart builder engine. We completely redesigned it. All this was done to make the charts in our reports more interactive. Now you can interact with elements of the diagrams on report pages in full force, as well as with other components. You can use the tips, hyperlinks, dynamic transitions, scrolling, etc. for chart elements.
Database Adapters Silverlight
External data adapters are now supported in the client-server version of the report generator for Silverlight. You can find all possible external data adapters on our website in the Download section.

New Types of Labels for Charts
The chart has three new types of Labels - in the center of the series, on the left and on the right side of the series. New types of series will more accurately show the chart information necessary for the user.
Applying Style to Chart
Later, when selecting a style for a chart, it was applied to all elements of the chart. You can now use the AllowApplyStyle property, which has any chart item. Using this property, you can disable using a style in a particular element and set its own appearance values.
Report and Page Setup Dialogs in Web
Dialog boxes for configuration the report and page parameters are completely redesigned in the report designer for Web. Now they fully comply with their analogs of the desktop version. New dialog boxes allow you to quickly and visually change the basic parameters of the report and the current page.
RefCursor and Oracle ODP Provider
RefCursor as a parameter is now supported in the Oracle ODP Provider. In order to use RefCursor as a parameter, select the Stored Procedure type of the query, add a parameter with the RefCursor type and then you can use a query in the report. This new feature is available since version 2011.2. It is also required to download the new version of the Oracle ODP Provider adapter from our site.
Report Checker for Web
The desktop versions of our product come with a unique module for testing reports - Report Checker. It is available either as a separate utility or as an integrated tool in the report designer. Now you can check your reports for errors in Web applications. Since version 2011.2 the Report Checker is available for report designers Designer.Web and Designer.Silverlight. This utility not only checks the report for errors, but also describes in detail the reason or their appearance, and offers suggestions to correct them by pressing a single button.
Applies to: Web, Silverlight, Designer.Web, Designer.Silverlight

Save a Copy
A new option to save a copy of any item in the data dictionary is added. A button to save a copy is available in the edit item dialog. This feature will significantly speed up the process of creating new elements in the data dictionary. On the current moment, the feature is available in the WinForms report designer.
Applies to: Net, WPF, Silverlight

Filters and Queries
In version 2011.1, as well as in all previous versions, filtration was processed mostly by the report generator. In the new version, users choose themselves how to filter - using the report generator or using an SQL query. If you are using the SQL query, report generator will make changes of the SQL query text using a special algorithm, based on the specified filtration options. Filtration options are specified in the data band. This new feature can be used to optimize the exchange of data between the application and database.
Applies to: Net, Web, WPF, Silverlight
New Importing Tool
Despite the fact that Stimulsoft Reports understands a lot of third-party file formats, we decided not to stop on it. A new one is added into the importing utilities list - imports from the Report Sharp-Shooter format. This tool will help you to get started with Stimulsoft Reports much quicker. The utility supports the main elements of the product.
Applies to: Net, Web, WPF, Silverlight
Sorting and Filtration of Business Objects
Sorting and filtration is now possible for business objects! You can setup sorting and filtration using a standard editing dialog of the Data band. Configuration interface is exactly the same as for data sources.
Applies to: Net, Web, WPF, Silverlight

Collapsing Hierarchical Reports
Earlier interactive collapsing was only available for groups and master-detail reports. Now you can expand and collapse hierarchical bands. All that is necessary is to change one option of a band. Using collapsing function it is possible to save the user reports from the contemplation of redundant information in the report and, at the same time, provide this information only if needed.
Applies to: Net, WPF

New Installer
The Installer utility is delivered as a part of Stimulsoft Reports pack. This utility helps you to install or remove Stimulsoft Reports assemblies in GAC. The tool is also a great helper in using the NGEN utility in conjunction with the assemblies of our product. The new Installer has redesigned appearance and updated programming stuffing.
Applies to: Net, Web, WPF, Silverlight

Google Docs and Storing Reports
All report designers of Stimulsoft Reports can keep their reports in the Cloud from Google Company. All you need is a GMail account. You can save a report in your office and open it at home. It is simple - just a few mouse clicks. We are confident that the new feature will simplify the storage of report templates for our users.
Applies to: Net, Web, WPF, Silverlight

Multiple Monitors
Our company can claim that all our applications are fully adapted to work on two or more monitors. At the same time, you can open several applications and display them on different monitors. Before closing the application, all information about the location of the application will be remembered. Next time, when the application is run, the user will find it on the same position in a monitor where it was last time before being closed.
Applies to: Net, Web, WPF, Silverlight
New Functions
A new feature is added to the data dictionary - ToWordsFa. The function converts a number to string in words in Persian. This feature is available in all versions of the report generator and expands already a big list of possibilities for creating international reports.
Applies to: Net, Web, WPF, Silverlight

Support for Dirhams in ToCurrencyWords
To the list of supported currencies of the ToCurrencyWords function support for another currency DHS (Dirham) is added.
Applies to: Net, Web, WPF, Silverlight
New Chart Types
We are constantly working to expand the list of supported types of charts. In release 2011.2, our team is glad to announce four new chart types - Bubble, Radar Point, Radar Line, and Radar Area.
Applies to: Net, WPF, Silverlight

New Assistant - Options Helper
The new tool Options Helper is available in this release. This tool helps to understand many options of the report generator and create a list of changed parameters. This list can be loaded in your program to quickly initialize the report generator properties. Also, the list can be used for the report designer. For this purpose it is enough to place it in the same folder as the report designer.
Applies to: Net, Web, WPF, Silverlight

Parameters in Web
In previous versions of our products we have added support for new parameters in the desktop and Silverlight applications. Now the parameters are supported in Reports.Web. New parameters can be changed in Designer.Web. They can be used using WebViewer.Fx. Using parameters greatly expands using reports and their interactivity. It supports not only simple values but ranges of values and values lists.
Applies to: Web, Designer.Web
Border.Topmost Porperty
In version 2011.2 the report developers have a new feature to build reports - the Border.Topmost property. If to enable it for the border, the border side will always be drawn on the top of components. This feature expands the visual abilities of reports. It is also like a workaround for some limitations in designing reports.
Applies to: Net, Web, WPF, Silverlight, Designer.Silverlight

Page Order
Now you can change the order of the pages in the report designer for Web. It is as easy there as in the desktop report designer. This can be done using the context menu of the page tab.
Applies to: Web, Designer.Web
Globalization in Web
In the previous version of the report designer for Web, expressions editor when globalizing reports are not delivered. In the new version we have eliminated this annoying omission. Now you can fully globalize your reports using the report editor for Web, without using the desktop version of the report designer.
Applies to: Web, Designer.Web
Printing to PDF File from WebViewerFx
We have added support for printing into the Adobe PDF file to enhance printing from the Web application that uses the WebViewerFx component. If you need to print the report using the PDF file, you must set the Print to PDF option in the print dialog of the report. Printing to a PDF file allows you to send perfectly accurate copy of the report to the printer.
Applies to: Web
We have done a great work of optimizing the report designer when working with very large reports. Optimization was done in WPF, WinForms and Silverlight versions of the report designer. The performance of many dialog boxes for editing items is greatly increased. We have reduced delays in carrying out of many operations in the report, optimized many algorithms.
Applies to: Net, WPF, Silverlight
Interacting with Charts
The new version of our products comes with a new chart builder engine. We completely redesigned it. All this was done to make the charts in our reports more interactive. Now you can interact with elements of the diagrams on report pages in full force, as well as with other components. You can use the tips, hyperlinks, dynamic transitions, scrolling, etc. for chart elements.
Applies to: Net, WPF, Silverlight
Database Adapters Silverlight
External data adapters are now supported in the client-server version of the report generator for Silverlight. You can find all possible external data adapters on our website in the Download section.
Applies to: Silverlight

New Types of Labels for Charts
The chart has three new types of Labels - in the center of the series, on the left and on the right side of the series. New types of series will more accurately show the chart information necessary for the user.
Applies to: Net, Web, WPF, Silverlight
Applying Style to Chart
Later, when selecting a style for a chart, it was applied to all elements of the chart. You can now use the AllowApplyStyle property, which has any chart item. Using this property, you can disable using a style in a particular element and set its own appearance values.
Applies to: Net, Web, WPF, Silverlight, Designer.Web, Designer.Silverlight
Report and Page Setup Dialogs in Web
Dialog boxes for configuration the report and page parameters are completely redesigned in the report designer for Web. Now they fully comply with their analogs of the desktop version. New dialog boxes allow you to quickly and visually change the basic parameters of the report and the current page.
Applies to: Web, Designer.Web
RefCursor and Oracle ODP Provider
RefCursor as a parameter is now supported in the Oracle ODP Provider. In order to use RefCursor as a parameter, select the Stored Procedure type of the query, add a parameter with the RefCursor type and then you can use a query in the report. This new feature is available since version 2011.2. It is also required to download the new version of the Oracle ODP Provider adapter from our site.