We are glad to announce the current year first release of Stimulsoft Reports version 2011.1. Four months passed since the last release and now we would like to share with you all the features and improvements our development team has prepared. Enormously hard work has been done to make the reporting tool more robust, powerful and user-friendly. Great many new functions, advanced conditions, wizards, components, converting utilities are implemented in this release through all the report generators included into this software product.
Styles in Highlight Condition
Now, the selected style is stored in the condition and, when changing style parameters, design parameters and conditions are automatically changed. Earlier, style selection in the condition led to copying its parameters into the parameters of conditions. Also, it is worth to say that now, when using the style in the condition, the style itself is applied but not parameters of appearance set in the condition and copied from the style. The style will be applied to the component, if the condition is triggered.

Applying Parameters in Styles
In the new version of the condition editor, it is possible to specify which parameters of appearance to use, and which not to use. For example, it allows changing only the color of a displayed text when the condition is triggered or make the font italic and at the same time change the background color.

To extend the functionality of the reports, in the new version, we have essentially improved the RequestFromUser option for the variables. Now, using this option, the process of data request from the user can be greatly extended. It is possible to request not only simple values but nullable values, lists of values and value ranges. Also, we significantly expanded the functionality of variables that are used as parameters - opportunities to add value lists for subsequent selection, request date and time separately, to prohibit the direct editing of user parameters and many more others were implemented. In addition, the report viewer has a new button that hides or displays the Settings panel. One can now manage the process of report rendering with parameters using the RequestParameters property of a report. This property affects whether to render a report for the first time automatically with the default parameters of values or one need to specify the parameters first and then update the report. Also, we added the ParametersOrientation property. With help of this property it is possible to indicate where the parameters panel should be placed - on the top or left edge of the viewer.

Condition - Data Bar
We have added a new Data Bar condition type to increase the quality of visual presentation of information in our products. When using this condition, the reporting tool analyses all values in the specified data column and the current value that is output in the component. This information is used to display the color bands in the output component. This type of condition is very convenient to display the dynamics of changing data in the report. The Data Bar can only be used in text components.

Condition - Color Scale
Another new type of conditions is the Color Scale. It is designed to display the dynamics of changing data. The dynamics is displayed by changing the background color of the component. The color set for the minimum values are interpolated to the color, which is set for the maximum values, depending on the size of the displayed values in the component. This condition can only be used for text components.

Condition - Icons Set
Icon Set is a new type of condition to display graphical information in the text component. When using this condition, the report generator analyzes the values in this column. All the data got during analysis are divided into ranges. Each range has its own icon. Depending on what, the range is a value that is generated for this component is selected and displays an icon. The condition is perfect for graphic reflection of the trends, the criteria of growth and decline, performance of various indicators. This condition can be used only for text components.

New Utilities for Converting Reports
In the new release four new tools for converting reports that are created in other products to the Stimulsoft Reports format are added. These are import utilities from RDL, Active Reports, XtraReports, and FastReport.Net. We believe that these tools will simplify migration of reports from other formats.
New Types of Bar-codes
First, we added a new two-dimensional bar code - QRCode. This barcode is gaining increasing popularity in recent years. It is used in many applications, particularly in mobile applications. Second, we added two one-dimensional bar-codes - Code128Auto and EAN128Auto. These two bar-codes scan the code and can automatically switch their modifications to a, b or c.

MS Access Data
According to numerous requests from our users we have added a separate type of connection for data connection to the MS Access database. A new type of connection requests only data needed for MS Access.
Connecting to EffiProz Data
The new version of our product supports connection to EffiProz databases. The new connection is available in the NET, WPF, and Web versions of the report designer. The database is optimized for local storage of information. Also, it allows storing data in memory.
Wizard for Placing Components
To simplify the placement of components in a band, we have added a special wizard for placement. If, when dragging a component in a band, its border crosses the band border, then one will be prompted to automatically dock the component to the left or right side of the band. The size of components already placed in the band will be taken into account.

Wizard for Replacing Components
If to drag any field from the data dictionary to an existing component in a page, a replacement component wizard will be invoked. It offers options for adding or replacing the content of an existing component on data from the data dictionary.

New Functions
In the new version we have added great many new functions. The first pack is Left, Mid, and Right functions. The Left function returns a specified amount of symbols from the beginning of the string. The Mid function returns a specified amount of symbols from the specified position in the string. The Right function returns a specified amount of symbols from the end of the string. The second pack is ToWordsEs and ToCurrencyWordsEs. The first function returns the amount of words in Spanish. The second returns the amount of words (currency option) in Spanish. In addition, it is worth noting that the ToCurrencyWordsEs function supports MXN (Mexican peso) currency. The third pack is Persian and Arabic. The Persian function returns the number, written in Persian numerals. The function returns the number written in Arabic numerals. It is worth mentioning that a version for Silverlight, now also supports the Roman function. The fourth pack is the GetAnchorPageNumberThrough function. It extends the GetAnchorPageNumber function and returns continuous number of the page. And the fifth pack is the Totals.SumNullable function. It returns null, if all values passed to this function are null.
Report Wizards in Silverlight
The previous version of the report designer for Silverlight, did not provide the ability to create reports using the Report Wizards. In the new version this omission was corrected. The following Report Wizards are added: Standard Report, Master-Detail Report and Label Report.

Styles in Dialogs
Until that time, applying styles for controls was not possible. We have decided to eliminate this shortage. All controls now have the ComponentStyle property which is used for indicating the style. Also a style for dialogs is added - DialogStyle. New styles can be created in the editor style.

Rotating Charts in Report
Sometimes it is needed to rotate the chart on a report page on 90 degrees or 180 degrees. In order to achieve this result we added the Rotation property. The property allows rotating a chart on 90 degrees clockwise or anticlockwise; rotating a chart on 180 degrees; flip chart either horizontally or vertically.
The Text in Cells Component in Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight and Report Designer for Web
We have added a new component to the reporting tools for Silverlight and Web - Text in Cells. The component is used to display text information in cells. It is typically used for printed forms.

Business Objects and Cross-Tab Component
Earlier, the Cross-Tab component could use data only from the data source. Now you can select data including the category of Business Objects. There is no difference from using data from Business Objects in the Cross-Tab editor in compare with using data from the Data Sources. In next releases of our products we plan to fully support using of Business Objects in reports.
Report Checker and the Messages Panel
The Report Checker completely superseded the messages panel from the report designer. The button to launch the Report Checker is placed on the Status Bar of the report designer, where the Message Bar was earlier located. If, while report rendering, any errors have been found, then the Report Checker will notify about this with a tooltip, clicking on which you can open the Report Checker and learn more about the problem. The Report Checker displays not only errors but shows warnings about the potential problems in the report. It also gives various recommendations to change the report. If, when rendering a report, any messages from the report engine will be received, they will also be displayed with the Report Checker.

Windows 7 Support
We have expanded support of Windows 7 in our products. A progress animation while loading and saving reports in the Windows taskbar is added. Animation is implemented to the report viewer window and the window of the report designer. Enhancement is available in WinForms and WPF versions. In the WPF version we added Windows 7 compatible dialogs for opening and saving files. For WinForms version of our product preview thumbnail buttons are added. They are used for operations with report files in the report designer and operations for saving, loading and printing reports in the report viewer.

Interactivity in Silverlight Report Viewer
The client-server version of the report viewer for Silverlight fully supports the Interaction property of report components. The property provides opportunity for sorting, grouping, navigation and reports detailing in a report viewer window.
XBAP Mode for Viewing Reports in WPF
A new report viewer is available in the WPF version of our product. This special version of WPF viewer designed to display reports in XBAP applications. The viewer is in the Stimulsoft.Report.Xbap.dll assembly and provides the same functionality as the report viewer for WPF. For working with the viewer Full-Trust trust mode applications is required.
System Variables in Silverlight
We have added displaying system variables in the data dictionary in the version of the report designer for Silverlight. System variables are used to display various system information of a report - page number, current date and time, number of lines, etc.
CheckBox Component and Report Designer for Web
Support of the CheckBox component in Reports Designer.Web is added. The component is used to display the flags of states.

Context Menu in Stimulsoft Reports Designer.Web
We have added support of the context menu in the report designer for Web. The menu is available for each report page. It provides operations to work with the clipboard. Also, the menu is available in the data dictionary. There are the basic operations of the data dictionary in this menu.

Context Menu in Viewer.Fx
The report viewer now displays the context menu. The menu commands of setting the report zoom are grouped.

Styles in Highlight Condition
Now, the selected style is stored in the condition and, when changing style parameters, design parameters and conditions are automatically changed. Earlier, style selection in the condition led to copying its parameters into the parameters of conditions. Also, it is worth to say that now, when using the style in the condition, the style itself is applied but not parameters of appearance set in the condition and copied from the style. The style will be applied to the component, if the condition is triggered.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Silverlight, Designer.Web, Desiger.Silverlight

Applying Parameters in Styles
In the new version of the condition editor, it is possible to specify which parameters of appearance to use, and which not to use. For example, it allows changing only the color of a displayed text when the condition is triggered or make the font italic and at the same time change the background color.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Silverlight, Designer.Web, Desiger.Silverlight

To extend the functionality of the reports, in the new version, we have essentially improved the RequestFromUser option for the variables. Now, using this option, the process of data request from the user can be greatly extended. It is possible to request not only simple values but nullable values, lists of values and value ranges. Also, we significantly expanded the functionality of variables that are used as parameters - opportunities to add value lists for subsequent selection, request date and time separately, to prohibit the direct editing of user parameters and many more others were implemented. In addition, the report viewer has a new button that hides or displays the Settings panel. One can now manage the process of report rendering with parameters using the RequestParameters property of a report. This property affects whether to render a report for the first time automatically with the default parameters of values or one need to specify the parameters first and then update the report. Also, we added the ParametersOrientation property. With help of this property it is possible to indicate where the parameters panel should be placed - on the top or left edge of the viewer.
Applies to: Net, Wpf, Silverlight

Condition - Data Bar
We have added a new Data Bar condition type to increase the quality of visual presentation of information in our products. When using this condition, the reporting tool analyses all values in the specified data column and the current value that is output in the component. This information is used to display the color bands in the output component. This type of condition is very convenient to display the dynamics of changing data in the report. The Data Bar can only be used in text components.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Silverlight, Designer.Web, Desiger.Silverlight

Condition - Color Scale
Another new type of conditions is the Color Scale. It is designed to display the dynamics of changing data. The dynamics is displayed by changing the background color of the component. The color set for the minimum values are interpolated to the color, which is set for the maximum values, depending on the size of the displayed values in the component. This condition can only be used for text components.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Silverlight, Designer.Web, Desiger.Silverlight

Condition - Icons Set
Icon Set is a new type of condition to display graphical information in the text component. When using this condition, the report generator analyzes the values in this column. All the data got during analysis are divided into ranges. Each range has its own icon. Depending on what, the range is a value that is generated for this component is selected and displays an icon. The condition is perfect for graphic reflection of the trends, the criteria of growth and decline, performance of various indicators. This condition can be used only for text components.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Silverlight, Designer.Web, Desiger.Silverlight

New Utilities for Converting Reports
In the new release four new tools for converting reports that are created in other products to the Stimulsoft Reports format are added. These are import utilities from RDL, Active Reports, XtraReports, and FastReport.Net. We believe that these tools will simplify migration of reports from other formats.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Silverlight, Designer.Web, Desiger.Silverlight
New Types of Bar-codes
First, we added a new two-dimensional bar code - QRCode. This barcode is gaining increasing popularity in recent years. It is used in many applications, particularly in mobile applications. Second, we added two one-dimensional bar-codes - Code128Auto and EAN128Auto. These two bar-codes scan the code and can automatically switch their modifications to a, b or c.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Silverlight, Designer.Web, Desiger.Silverlight

MS Access Data
According to numerous requests from our users we have added a separate type of connection for data connection to the MS Access database. A new type of connection requests only data needed for MS Access.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Silverlight, Designer.Web, Desiger.Silverlight
Connecting to EffiProz Data
The new version of our product supports connection to EffiProz databases. The new connection is available in the NET, WPF, and Web versions of the report designer. The database is optimized for local storage of information. Also, it allows storing data in memory.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Designer.Web
Wizard for Placing Components
To simplify the placement of components in a band, we have added a special wizard for placement. If, when dragging a component in a band, its border crosses the band border, then one will be prompted to automatically dock the component to the left or right side of the band. The size of components already placed in the band will be taken into account.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Silverlight, Desiger.Silverlight

Wizard for Replacing Components
If to drag any field from the data dictionary to an existing component in a page, a replacement component wizard will be invoked. It offers options for adding or replacing the content of an existing component on data from the data dictionary.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Silverlight, Desiger.Silverlight

New Functions
In the new version we have added great many new functions. The first pack is Left, Mid, and Right functions. The Left function returns a specified amount of symbols from the beginning of the string. The Mid function returns a specified amount of symbols from the specified position in the string. The Right function returns a specified amount of symbols from the end of the string. The second pack is ToWordsEs and ToCurrencyWordsEs. The first function returns the amount of words in Spanish. The second returns the amount of words (currency option) in Spanish. In addition, it is worth noting that the ToCurrencyWordsEs function supports MXN (Mexican peso) currency. The third pack is Persian and Arabic. The Persian function returns the number, written in Persian numerals. The function returns the number written in Arabic numerals. It is worth mentioning that a version for Silverlight, now also supports the Roman function. The fourth pack is the GetAnchorPageNumberThrough function. It extends the GetAnchorPageNumber function and returns continuous number of the page. And the fifth pack is the Totals.SumNullable function. It returns null, if all values passed to this function are null.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Silverlight, Designer.Web, Desiger.Silverlight
Report Wizards in Silverlight
The previous version of the report designer for Silverlight, did not provide the ability to create reports using the Report Wizards. In the new version this omission was corrected. The following Report Wizards are added: Standard Report, Master-Detail Report and Label Report.
Applies to: Silverlight, Desiger.Silverlight

Styles in Dialogs
Until that time, applying styles for controls was not possible. We have decided to eliminate this shortage. All controls now have the ComponentStyle property which is used for indicating the style. Also a style for dialogs is added - DialogStyle. New styles can be created in the editor style.
Applies to: Net, Wpf

Rotating Charts in Report
Sometimes it is needed to rotate the chart on a report page on 90 degrees or 180 degrees. In order to achieve this result we added the Rotation property. The property allows rotating a chart on 90 degrees clockwise or anticlockwise; rotating a chart on 180 degrees; flip chart either horizontally or vertically.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Silverlight, Designer.Web, Desiger.Silverlight
The Text in Cells Component in Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight and Report Designer for Web
We have added a new component to the reporting tools for Silverlight and Web - Text in Cells. The component is used to display text information in cells. It is typically used for printed forms.
Applies to: Web, Silverlight, Designer.Web, Desiger.Silverlight

Business Objects and Cross-Tab Component
Earlier, the Cross-Tab component could use data only from the data source. Now you can select data including the category of Business Objects. There is no difference from using data from Business Objects in the Cross-Tab editor in compare with using data from the Data Sources. In next releases of our products we plan to fully support using of Business Objects in reports.
Applies to: Net, Web, Wpf, Designer.Web
Report Checker and the Messages Panel
The Report Checker completely superseded the messages panel from the report designer. The button to launch the Report Checker is placed on the Status Bar of the report designer, where the Message Bar was earlier located. If, while report rendering, any errors have been found, then the Report Checker will notify about this with a tooltip, clicking on which you can open the Report Checker and learn more about the problem. The Report Checker displays not only errors but shows warnings about the potential problems in the report. It also gives various recommendations to change the report. If, when rendering a report, any messages from the report engine will be received, they will also be displayed with the Report Checker.
Applies to: Net, Wpf

Windows 7 Support
We have expanded support of Windows 7 in our products. A progress animation while loading and saving reports in the Windows taskbar is added. Animation is implemented to the report viewer window and the window of the report designer. Enhancement is available in WinForms and WPF versions. In the WPF version we added Windows 7 compatible dialogs for opening and saving files. For WinForms version of our product preview thumbnail buttons are added. They are used for operations with report files in the report designer and operations for saving, loading and printing reports in the report viewer.
Applies to: Net

Interactivity in Silverlight Report Viewer
The client-server version of the report viewer for Silverlight fully supports the Interaction property of report components. The property provides opportunity for sorting, grouping, navigation and reports detailing in a report viewer window.
Applies to: Silverlight, Desiger.Silverlight
XBAP Mode for Viewing Reports in WPF
A new report viewer is available in the WPF version of our product. This special version of WPF viewer designed to display reports in XBAP applications. The viewer is in the Stimulsoft.Report.Xbap.dll assembly and provides the same functionality as the report viewer for WPF. For working with the viewer Full-Trust trust mode applications is required.
Applies to: Wpf
System Variables in Silverlight
We have added displaying system variables in the data dictionary in the version of the report designer for Silverlight. System variables are used to display various system information of a report - page number, current date and time, number of lines, etc.
Applies to: Silverlight, Desiger.Silverlight
CheckBox Component and Report Designer for Web
Support of the CheckBox component in Reports Designer.Web is added. The component is used to display the flags of states.
Applies to: Web, Designer.Web

Context Menu in Stimulsoft Reports Designer.Web
We have added support of the context menu in the report designer for Web. The menu is available for each report page. It provides operations to work with the clipboard. Also, the menu is available in the data dictionary. There are the basic operations of the data dictionary in this menu.
Applies to: Web, Designer.Web

Context Menu in Viewer.Fx
The report viewer now displays the context menu. The menu commands of setting the report zoom are grouped.
Applies to: Web